Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rabbit Records:

     Here is something every Rabbitrry owner should know how to do keep records on there animals. Wither you just have rabbits for show, meat, or you are wanting to start a rabbitry it is important to keep records. Not only on your rabbit, but also on your expenses and purchases. Today I am going to give you the basics on how to keep a good rabbit book.
     There are many different ways to make your book. You can do it using a software made just for the purpose of rabbit records, or you can keep them on your personal computer. The way I make my rabbit book is by using a binder, handwritten records. Not the only way to do so, but the way that I am liking best.
The things you will need:
  1. A binder-> does not have to be fancy, but must be durable and hold up, so you can use it for a long time.
  2. Sheet protectors-> can keep documents in there original form and protect them from the elements, messes etc..
  3. What ever else you think you may need-> its your book! Make it personal!
     Most of these thing can be bought at a dollar store for cheap, and are the best things to use. Now that you go the equipment the question comes to mind. How do I do this?

     Its pretty easy there are different types of records, you do not need to use them all, bit these are the ones that I make for each rabbit.
  • The pedigree (probably the most important helps you sell and breed rabbits with much ease.)
  • The breeding records (track of the buck or doe bred to, date bred, date the litter was born, how many kittens were born, and how many of them actually lived. kept for bucks and does.)
  • Medication log (kept for bucks and does. The date the treatment started and ended. The name of the Medication and who the animal was treated by.)
  • Show records (you can keep a list of each show, write it down even if the animal did not place. Or you can just keep the comment cards, its easier that's what I do. Kept for bucks and does.)
  • Litter growth records (listing the date the litter was born, the number of kittens, the average weight of each kit at three and eight weeks, and how many kits lived. This record is only kept for does.)
     So, the format is simple, you can do it your own way, but pedigrees are a must have. You will be surprised how fast papered rabbits sell! Any extra advice?
  • Make sure each rabbit has a tattoo in there LEFT ear, this is there identity and is the way your book will be set up by the ear number.
  • Make sure all of the tattoos are different.
  • Write the ear number really BIG at the top of each record, this makes it easier to find trust me.
  • Just keep it organized, how ever you want alphabetical order, bucks in the front etc..
  • Have fun with your book.
     Remember to have fin and good luck! If any of you have questions do mot hesitate to email me! I will be happy to answer any of your questions! Keep viewing!

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