Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sexing Rabbits:

Sexing rabbits is an important skill, that every rabbit breeder should know. Once you learn how to sex rabbits you can easily write the papers for them and find how to buy better rabbits. Sometimes it is easy to get the sex wrong, but that is okay you have a 50-50 chance of getting it right! Most rabbits shall be sexed at weaning time (4 to 8 weeks old), you should sex rabbits at this time, so you can sell them at the right sex. Some breeders have figured how to sex rabbits at only 4 days old. I don't do this because some does can be to protective, and even hurt their babies, plus this can be very inaccurate. So to sex your rabbit you simply flip the rabbit over on a table or your lap. Next, you open the genital vent (right between the legs) holding the tail with your index finger, and the vent with your thumb take a good look. The bucks will look like a hot dog, here is what it should look like:

Here is the buck, the penis is long, and round(should not be pointy). Like the 4-H leaders tell the kids, it looks like a hot dog it is a buck.

The doe should look like this:

AS you can see, the doe has a slit, the doe, is a slit, and is a lot pointer than the bucks. Like the 4-H leaders tell the kids if it looks like a taco it is a doe.

Now, compare the two images, you can find that the parts are different. Sometimes it is hard to tell. If you are not sure you can wait a week or two and check again, then it may be easier to tell. Sometimes even experienced breeders can get confused. Once you sex a few rabbits you can easily tell the difference and get even better at it.

Photo @

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