Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Botfly:

My one rabbit has a warble, a warble is when a fly will try to lay eggs on a rabbit. A warble will spread when it pops. A warble is just a large bump out of the skin and it all crusty like. To treat it you have to mix Duarmictyn-10 with a rabbits water use about a dash. A lightly rub a anti- bacterial gel on it carefully or it will bust! It is also best to call the Vet. and make sure it is a warble, they will also tell you their experience about it and give you some helpful tips. A warble looks like this...
Yes this is caused by a fly, this is the first stage of fly strike, if not treated this rabbit can become infected.
Luckily this was caught early and can be treated.

And it can be much worse if not treated early.

1 comment:

  1. We just learned, that if you don't get the warble off of the rabbit, the eggs will get in him and kill him. You can bust it that is how you get the larva out. Peroxide and an anti-bacterial gel will help those eggs get out. It is gross but you do have to pull the larva out with tweezers. I STRONGLY ADVISE VETERINARIAN ATTENTION AS SOON AS YOU SEE THIS ON YOUR RABBIT!
