Thursday, July 25, 2013


Good records make it easier to sell and produce stock. If you have well written expense records it will be easier to claim for taxes. An easy way to put this all in a organized file, will be making a rabbitry book. I do this myself every year, you can simply make a packet or make a book. The first page or cover shall have your rabbitry name, your name, your helpers names, the date you fill in the blanks, the current record year, record start and finish dates, were you sell your stock to and, the rabbit breeds you raise. The second page shall have, all value of animals at the start, all equipment and value at start, feed on hand at start, and money on hand at start. The third page shall have, feed purchased during the year, animals bough during year, and other expenses, such as feed cups, bottles, vet bills, entry fees.etc. The forth page shall have, items sold, such as animals, cages, hutches, and other things sold. Here you include the date sold, the item (or ear number), and item received. The fifth page shall have the space to do the math to figure out a profit or loss of the record time. Take the items sold and subtract it by the items purchased.       

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